The general American accent has been described as classless as opposed to RP which is associated with middle and upper classes. Americans also have a wide range of accents to choose from. Sometimes you can even hear where they have lived over the course of their lives by listening to their accents. This is, of course, a possibility for all of us, if we move around a lot you will pick up multiple regional accents that will influence your speech over time. Your accent is like a map, showing where we have been and who we met while living there.


I read an interesting article listing the best American accents based on the opinion of foreigners. The most interesting thing is that they also said which country liked the accent so much. It is quite interesting to read which countries like which American accent. It seems we (the Dutch) like the Bostonian accent best, as spoken by Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg and Ben Affleck respectively.

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